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А вот тут свежее и совершенно очаровательное интервью - пока не все прочитала, но вот такие пассажи вызывают лютое уруру кажутся очень милыми:
"In the same way, Capaldi is able to send himself up over his abiding passion for the Time Lord. “My wife [producer and actress Elaine Collins] laughs because occasionally some issue will arise over Doctor Who. It’s very rare, but sometimes there is some conflict over the production. She thinks it’s hilarious that there are grown men in Cardiff [where the show is made] throwing tables at each other because they disagree about some aspect of Doctor Who. Of course, I’m one of those men having the fight.”
So what sort of things will these grown men be throwing tables over? “It could be the interior of the Tardis or the colour of a Dalek. ‘That Dalek’s eye-stalk is the wrong length. It should be 18 inches – and that’s 17 and a half.’ I’d argue for 18 inches – although it does depend which mark Dalek it is. So what do I do when my wife laughs about all this? I simply leave the room.”"